Just taken a phone call from my printers saying that for various reasons, I won’t be taking delivery of my new book “101 Wine FAQs” until Monday. Which means that instead of spending today posting off several copies to the many people who’ve already said they’d like one (or more), […]
Wine FAQ

When my son was six, his teacher asked the class what people’s parents did for work. Alex’s reply ran to four words: ‘Daddy spits out wine.’ And it’s true. I spit out thousands of wines every year. The great thing about wine is that after 25 years of spitting the […]
Introducing my new book “101 Wine FAQs”
If you have any FAQs you want me to answer, or if you think there’s something I should have mentioned in this video, either leave a comment below, or get in touch using the contact form on the LH side of this page. Here’s a list of the other FAQs […]
Wine FAQ – “Where’s the best place to store your ...
If you have any FAQs you want me to answer, or if you think there’s something I should have mentioned in this video, either leave a comment below, or get in touch using the contact form on the LH side of this page.
Wine FAQ – “What effect does climate have on a ...
Strange, this is a question that I’ve had a number of people contacting me about in the last few months. So here goes… If you have any FAQs you want me to address, either leave a comment below, or get in touch using the contact form on the […]
Wine FAQ – “Are blended wines better or worse than ...
If you have any FAQs you want me to address, either leave a comment below, or get in touch using the contact form on the LH side of this page.