
Harvey Nichols Pinot Noir 2010 (Framingham), Marlborough, New Zealand (£18.00 Harvey Nichols) Reasonable plummy strawberry flavours with a touch of spice, but there’s also a stewed edge that speaks of slightly heavy-handed winemaking and just-too-ripe fruit. B(-) Louis Latour Mercurey Rouge 2009, Burgundy, France (£16.99, The Wine Cellar, T […]

Wine Tasting Video: Pinot Noir from Marlborough, Burgundy & Sonoma ...

Tomàs Cusine Auzells 2011, Costers del Segre, Spain (£9.95 The Wine Society) A gentle cocktail of several grape varieties blending nutty, peachy flavours with the grapiness of Muscat and the stony citrus bite of Sauvignon Blanc. B+ Viña Real Barrel Fermented Rioja Blanco 2011, Spain (£9.99 Majestic, Kingsgate Wines, Clifton […]

Wine Tasting Video: White wines from Spain, France & Australia