Hope you enjoyed the tasting, here are links to pages that will give you more information about the wines
1) Dominio del Plata Crios Torrontés 2013
Grapes: Torrontés
Region: Calchaqui Valley (Salta)/San Carlos (Mendoza)
14.0% Alcohol
£11.50 Wine Direct International, Goodwineonline, The Market Square, Red Squirrel Wines
2) Catena Alta Chardonnay 2012
Grapes: Chardonnay
Region: Tupungato (Mendoza)
14.0% Alcohol
£23.00 The Wine Society, Majestic, Fresh & Wild
3) Zuccardi Serie A Bonarda 2013
Grapes: Bonarda
Region: Santa Rosa (Mendoza)
14.0% Alcohol
£11.99 Oxford Wine Co, Cambridge Wine Merchants, The Good Wine Shop, Old School Wines, Vino, Carruthers & Kent
4) Parrilla by Viñalba Malbec 2013
Grapes: Malbec
Region: Mendoza
14.5% Alcohol
£11.99 Majestic
5) Colomé Estate Malbec 2012
Grapes: Malbec
Region: Calchaqui Valley (Salta)
14.5% Alcohol
£15.00 Waitrose, Slurp.co.uk
6) Bodega Vistalba Corte C 2013
Grapes: Malbec 76%/Cabernet Sauvignon 14%/Bonarda 10%
Region: Vistalba, Luján de Cuyo (Mendoza)
14.5% Alcohol
£11.75 Great Western Wine
7) Pulenta Gran Cabernet Franc XI 2011
Grapes: Cabernet Franc
Region: Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo (Mendoza)
14.5% Alcohol
£24.00 Berry Bros & Rudd, Wine Trust 100, winedirect.co.uk, Carruthers and Kent
8) Gran Syrah de Finca las Moras 2011
Grapes: Syrah
Region: Tulum, Zonda, Pedernal (San Juan)
15.0% Alcohol
£20.00 Tesco Wine Direct
Once again, I’d like to express my thanks to all of you for hosting me, let me know if you’d like me back for a future occasion.
Also , can I take this opportunity to thank Andrew Maidment of Wines of Argentina for his assistance in organising the tasting – much appreciated!