Recorded with unjustified optimism before the England v US game…
Montana Sauvignon Blanc 2009, Marlborough, New Zealand (£7.99 Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s Morrisons, Asda)
Refined, quite elegant style for Marlborough, with a lean stony character to the citrus and lemongrass flavours; good tense minerally finish too. S-
De Grendel Sauvignon Blanc 2009, Coastal Region, South Africa (£9.99 – down to £5.99 21/6/10-4/7/10 Oddbins)
Feels less forward on the nose than the Montana, with herb and citrus aromas, but is let down by slightly intrusive green pepper and woodsmoke edges (similar verdict after it’s been open for a few hours). B
Castillo de Molina Sauvignon Blanc Reserva 2009, Elqui Valley, Chile (£7.99 Majestic, Sainsbury’s)
Clean and fresh, with a slightly nettle-like herbiness, but is just too lemon-jelly-like for real class. B-
Palo Alto Sauvignon Blanc Reserva 2009, Maule Valley, Chile (£7.99 Asda, Booths, Sainsbury’s, Somerfield)
Is there some Sauvignonasse here? Certainly there’s a nutty, almost old-fashioned white Bordeaux-like edge that makes me think so, but it’s none the worse for that. Simple, and needs drinking soon but has a nice honest grassy citrus profile. B(-)
Casas del Bosque Sauvignon Blanc Reserva 2009, Casblanca, Chile (£8-£9 Awin Barratt Siegel)
Neither brash nor wimpy, this starts of in gentle fashion but then grows on you. Fragrant and herby, with ripe lemon and mineral notes, it has a confident persistent finish that keeps you coming back for more. S-