Just added four Spaniards, two Portuguese and two Aussies to the First Taste section (they’re all here). Currently sipping one of my favourites from the new additions, the 2006 Coca i Fitó Montsant, and thinking about whether full bodied red wines need to be ageable in order to be considered […]
Monthly Archives: August 2009

Spent Monday sifting through some wines for my regular Square Meal Lifestyle column. The next issue, looking at Australian Riesling, Cabernet Franc, Grüner Veltliner, Oloroso and southern Rhône reds, is out some time in Autumn. I already had the Rieslings lined up, but I needed to do some tasting in […]
The Rhône, Cab Franc, GrüVe and Oloroso
Just spent 5 minutes and 23 second of my life which I will never be able to get back watching a Wine Spectator video on wine service in restaurants. The phrase ‘poncey crap’ does not go far enough to describing quite how horrible it was. I’m not going to go […]
Restaurant rant

Not sure how they’ve managed to do it but Majestic has got hold of a parcel of wines from four Constellation wineries – Bay of Fires in Tasmania, Houghton in Western Australia, Ravenswood in California and Flagstone in South Africa – and are selling them at prices that will doubtless […]
Fill yer boots – New World madness at Majestic

There is wine packaging and then there is wine packaging – for some of the most inspired, take a look here.
Labelled with love

Just added notes on six sparkling wines to the First Taste pages here. Above is a pic of the corks from a couple of the Champagnes – you can tell that the Tsarine has had extra bottle age since disgorging (removing the yeast sediment left from the second fermentation in […]