First things first. Don’t try this at home. On the assumption that you follow the Huckleberry Finn principle and do the opposite of what I suggest, let’s proceed. Am off to Spain tomorrow for a trip around Galicia – I’m expecting a version of Catalonia but with more in-breeding and […]
Monthly Archives: June 2008
Brazil, or for those of a Latino bent Brasil. Land of carnival, poetic football and strange body hair arrangements. Winewise, it’s so far not made the same degree of splash as its fellow South Americans Chile and Argentina. Even Uruguayan wines are easier to track down. But Pele’s homeland offers […]
Brazil – promising wine, shame about the name…
‘Would your mum like this?’ Jill’s mum is lovely, but where wine is concerned, she doesn’t stray too far beyond the safe haven of cheap new World Chardonnay. But New World Chardonnay isn’t what it was. Where once it could be caricatured as the juice from tinned fruit cocktail (the […]
Coo-ee Pouilly
The Alexei Sayle line is, ‘Is it me, or is it bald, fat and Scouse in here?’ The Simon Woods line is, ‘Is it me, or are people missing the point in giving info on wines to normal people?’ Let’s transfer a typical spiel into a different genre… ‘This hand-crafted […]