Like buses, innit? You wait ages for a post and then two come along in quick succession. Don’t be surprised to see more of the ammo accumulated over the past several weeks of tasting in the next few days. Two of the main events of the past fortnight have been […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
If posts have been scarce in the last couple of weeks, it’s because September and October are the tasting season, during which every wine company and its dog seems to want to show of their wares. Attempting to get to three or four events a day is not uncommon, and […]
What women, sorry, wine writers want…
I’m hoping my lovely wife Jill, set to return from a few days away in France with a friend of ours, doesn’t read this. Because it’s all about being selfish. OK, maybe not exactly selfish, but self-indulgent – there’s at least a finely honed Sabatier knife’s-width between the two… The […]
The wife’s away, the mouse will play
Will report on how accurate my predictions were of the SW France tasting very soon. In the meantime, let’s talk about wine ‘bad hair’ days. Yes, I know it’s just fermented grape juice. Yes, I know that if wine were to disappear, the world would not. And yes, I know […]
Wine ‘bad hair’ days
Just preparing for a trip to London for three days of tasting. I’ll probably put 300 different wines in my mouth, and I’ll probably end up writing about a maximum of 15 of them. In other words, more than 95% of what I sample will go unreported. Is it worth […]
A wasted week?
A split second after the knife descended, I realised I was in the presence of a manky onion. You know the ones I mean, where the knife squashes rather than penetrates, where there’s a whiff of vinegar, and where some of the layers have turned translucent. If you’re feeling thrifty, […]