I’ve always had problems scoring – wines, that is. I remember going to a tasting years ago of Setúbal, the Portuguese fortified Muscat, when I was experimenting with the 100-point scale. It was when I gave a wine 120 points that I realised it wasn’t for me. Nowadays, I don’t […]
Monthly Archives: July 2007
I’ll say it straight out – Carmenère is NOT the future of Chilean wine. ‘Santa Rita’s focus on exceptional primium Chilean wines moves to a new level with the UK launch of the new Santa Rita Pehuén Carmenère.’ A bottle of Pehuén arrived, all £24.99’s worth of it, and I […]
Carmen Electra – not.
I have a great sister called Stella (Google “Stella Woods” for more info). Sadly, she’s on her way back home to Melbourne after a month or so of our wonderful weather, and tonight, it’s our last evening en famille. If I can’t pull out some nice bottles at such a […]
So long, farewella, Stella – it’s the age of Hermitage
Not sure what I think of Pommery Pink’s new label. Is it so kitsch as to be acceptable, or just out and out naff? Comments from women – surely the intended audience – I’ve asked haven’t been exactly positive. The wine itself is no great shakes, but then again flavour […]
Top of the Pops?
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to Krug’s UK PR Patricia Parnell for the bottle of the 1996 that landed (gently) on my doorstep last week. What she didn’t know was that yesterday was our wedding anniversary. So with the kids in bed, we popped the cork and settled down […]
Glug, glug, pass the Krug
The latest raft of stats from wine stats maestros AC Nielsen shows that exports to the UK of Chilean wine have overtaken those of Spain. Since Chile reopened its UK office in 2002, headed by the snappy dressing, dubious dancing Michael Cox, the long thin country has enjoyed a steady […]